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Mentimeter Teams for free accounts

Get the most out of Mentimeter by creating or joining a team - even with a free account!

Daniel avatar
Written by Daniel
Updated over 7 months ago

You can now create or join a Team in Mentimeter, even with a free account. Create a free team, invite other users to join, and collaborate with friends or colleagues to really make the most of what Mentimeter has to offer.

Creating a Free Team

To create a team from your free Mentimeter account, all you need to do is invite another user to join the team. This will automatically create a team workspace, with the inviting user as the team owner.

You can invite users whether or not they already have a Mentimeter account.

Inviting users to join a Free Team

Inviting new members can be done by anyone who is already part of the team (not just the team owner).

There are two ways to invite other users to join your team:

1. Invite users from the Manage Members page

To start, click on the icon with your initials in the top right corner and select Manage Members

Click on +Invite Members and enter the email address of the user you’d like to invite

You can also toggle the Invite Link option and then copy and send the link directly (note: this option will only appear once the team has already been created, so the first time you invite a user this option will not be available).

2. Invite users from the Shared Presentations page

Click on Shared Presentations in the left-hand panel on your Home screen.

Click on the Invite button in the top-right corner of the screen.

Click on +Invite Members and enter the email address of the user you’d like to invite.

You can also toggle the Invite Link option and then copy and send the link directly (note: this option will only appear once the team has already been created, so the first time you invite a user this option may not be available).

Any member of the team can invite other users to join the team (not just the team owner).

Shared Presentations

When you are part of a team, you will gain access to the Shared Presentations folder, where you can share presentations and collaborate with your teammates. You can then create presentations either in My Presentations or in Shared Presentations.

Note that when you leave a team, ownership of the presentations you have in the Shared Presentations folder will be transferred to the team owner. So if you have presentations in the Shared Presentation folder that you’d like to keep, make sure to move them (or create a duplicate) to the My Presentations folder first.

Free Teams FAQs

How many members can a Free Team have?
You can have up to 250 members in a free team

I’d like to leave the team. What do I need to do?
If you would like to leave the team, you can click on the three dots next to your email address in the Manage Members page, then select Leave Team.

I am the team owner but I will be leaving the team. How can I transfer ownership to another user?

If you need to change ownership of your free team, please reach out to our support team by starting an in-app chat from your account or emailing

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