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How to use Workspace Presentations

Learn how to share presentations with your workspace

Updated over 4 months ago

Mentimeter offers the possibility to share your private presentations or templates with all users in your workspace, whether it's on the Free, Basic, Pro, or Enterprise plan.

You can either share your own private presentations to the existing Workspace Presentations or you can create a presentation directly in the shared space. All workspace members then have access to all the results while also being able to edit, rename, and present all presentations shared in this space.

This inspires and increases workspace collaboration by providing a space where:

  • You can work asynchronously with your colleagues

  • You can gain instant access to what your colleagues have been working on when joining a workspace

  • You can get inspired by the past, present, and future work of your colleagues

  • You can gain access to all results on presentations instantly and feel a greater sense of togetherness with other members of your workspace

Sharing Presentations with your workspace

The creator of the presentation has full rights over who has access to their presentations and can choose to move presentations to and from the workspace presentation space at any time.

How to move a presentation to Workspace Presentations

To move a presentation from your private presentations to the Workspace presentations page, click the three dots to the right of the desired presentation and choose Move to Workspace Presentations.

You will then see the pop-up window below where you can confirm your choice:

Please Note: If a presentation has collaborators outside of your workspace environment, they will need to be removed first, before being able to share this presentation with all the users in your workspace. Similarly, if you wish to invite external collaborators to a presentation in the shared space, the presentation must first be removed from Workspace Presentations, before you can add the desired collaborators to your presentation.

How to move a Workspace Presentation back to My Presentations

If you no longer would like to grant your workspace access to your presentations, you can choose to move a presentation back to your private presentations.

To move a presentation from Workspace Presentations back to My Presentations, click the three dots to the right of the desired presentation and choose "Move to My Presentations."

Note: If you are the owner of a Pro or Enterprise subscription, the shared presentations function can be turned off in your workspace settings.

Can paid Members co-edit with free Member Lite users in Workspace presentations?

Both Members and Member Lite users can collaborate on Workspace presentations if this feature is enabled in the workspace. However, Member Lite users are restricted to using free features when editing presentations. To access paid features, they need to request a role upgrade from the admin.

If a presentation contains any paid features (Basic, Pro, or Enterprise features), it's considered a "paid presentation". In this case, free Member Lite users can still edit the content of the presentation, but their editing capabilities are limited to what their role allows. Member Lites are always allowed to present the Shared presentation, but there's a limit of 50 participants per month for them.

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