If you have a Pro or Enterprise plan, you can collaborate on presentations or share whole folders and work on them simultaneously with friends and colleagues who have a paid Member role. This is a useful feature for when multiple people want to work together to create and edit presentations.
How to invite collaborators
To invite someone to co-edit a presentation, follow these steps:
Open the presentation you want to share
Click on the Share button in the top right corner of the screen
Click on the Editors tab
Enter the email addresses of the people you wish to collaborate with and select them from the dropdown menu
Before you send the invite, you have to choose what access level you want to give the invitee in the dropdown (Edit, Comment or View)
If you want to, you can add a message for the invitee to give them some context
Click on the Invite button
Collaborators will receive an email invitation and now be able to see the shared presentation in their home view. They will also see who owns the presentation in the Owner tab.
Different access levels
The owner has the possibility to choose between three different access levels for the invited user: ‘Edit’, ‘Comment’ or ‘View’.
It’s only possible to give ‘Edit' access to users that are on the Pro or Enterprise plan.
If you invite a collaborator that’s on the Basic or Free plan, or has a Member Lite role, they can either have ‘Comment’ or ‘View’ access.
The Menti owner can change the access level for the invited collaborators at any time in the Editors tab.
If you have an Enterprise subscription with 50 or more licenses owners and admins can decide who can be invited to collaborate on presentations: no one, anyone or only members within your workspace.
How to share a folder
If you want to share an entire folder, you can follow these steps:
Click on the three dots to the right of the folder on the Your Presentations screen and click Share
2. Enter the email addresses of the people you wish to share the folder with and select them from the dropdown menu
3. Click on the Invite button
Collaborators will receive an email invitation and now be able to see the shared presentation in their home view under ‘shared with me’. They will be able to create new presentations as well as access and edit all presentations contained in the shared folder. They will also see who owns the presentation in the Owner tab.
The folder and all its content will now display this icon to indicate that it is a shared folder:
Note that it is not possible to remove access to a single presentation in a shared folder. If you want to remove access, it will have to be for the entire folder:
Also keep in mind that (just as for workspace presentations) workspace folders cannot be shared individually. Only private presentations and folders can be shared in this way.
Editing with collaborators
If a presentation has been shared with you directly, you will find it in the Shared with me folder:
To edit a presentation you have been invited to collaborate on, simply open the presentation and start editing normally.
You will see the avatars of all the collaborators who are currently editing the presentation at the top of the screen and next to the slide they are on. You can click on their avatar to go to the slide they are currently editing in the presentation.
Note that while you and your collaborators can edit the presentation simultaneously, only one user can be presenting at a time.
How to remove yourself as a collaborator
If you have been invited to collaborate on a presentation but would like to remove yourself as a collaborator, follow these steps:
Open the presentation you want to remove yourself from
Click on the Share button in the top right corner of the screen
Click on the Editors tab
Click the “X” icon next to your email in the list
Keep in mind
For the time being, it is only possible for Pro and Enterprise users to invite other Pro or Enterprise users to edit a presentation.
Users with a Basic or Free account can view and comment on the presentation, but not edit it.