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Mentimeter's profanity filter

How our profanity filter works for Word Cloud and Open Ended questions.

Updated over 5 months ago

When you add question types which let the participants type in free-text answers, you run the risk of someone in the audience entering improper words that you would not like to display in your Word Cloud or Open Ended question.

Mentimeter has a free profanity filter that you can select when you create your question. Just select one or more languages from the list in order to filter out profanities from those languages. For each language, Mentimeter has a user-generated list of words that removes any bad words from the presentation view.

How to enable the profanity filter

Open the Settings menu by clicking on the icon in the top left corner of the screen and select "Language preferences":

In the Language preference menu and select the language(s) that you wish to have profanities filtered for:

Pro tip: If you would like to set the profanity filter for a particular language(s) as default for all new presentations, toggle the button “Always use" the chosen language(s).


To avoid the Scunthorpe problem, the profanity filter does not take away combined swear words or non-profane words that contain a string of letters that are shared with a profanity.

Also, it's unfortunately impossible to keep up with people's creativity of coming up with new profanities. If you're concerned about what the participants will enter, you can try using any of our other question types instead.

In case your audience enters undesired words that haven't been captured by our profanity filter, you can remove input afterwards on our Word Clouds and Open Ended questions.

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