If you are the owner or admin of a Mentimeter Pro team, you can customize how your team is set up. This includes setting a default theme, deciding how members share results and managing how themes are created and shared.
To access the Manage Members page, click on your profile icon in the top right corner of your dashboard and select “Manage Members” in the dropdown menu:
Team sign-up settings
Workspace Discoverability
As default your workspace is hidden for all Mentimeter users. With this setting you can make your workspace discoverable for Mentimeter users registered with your corporate domains. You can adjust the domains at any time.
You can read about it more here: How to make your team discoverable for organization members
Joining the workspace
With this setting enabled, colleagues who wish to join the workspace need to obtain admin approval. A colleague can request permission to join either through the invitation link or by using the "Find available teams" page. By default, this setting is disabled, and no admin approval is required.
You can read about it more here: How to set up admin approval for colleagues who wish to join your team.
Please note that if your organization has an SSO Enterprise subscription, we currently do not support an admin approval process.
Presentation settings
Default theme
Here, you can select a theme that will be used as default for new presentations created by anyone in your team.
Access to results
After participating, the audience can choose to access the presentation results. This setting can be turned off for individual presentations, but here you can choose to disable it for all presentations created by anyone in your team.
Collaboration rights
You will be able to select who can be invited to collaborate on your presentations – no one, anyone or only members within your team.
Access levels
Share themes
Here you can decide who can share themes in your team.
Only admins and owners. Select this option if you want to restrict the team members to only use themes created by an admin. All users will however still have access to the standard themes that Mentimeter provides.
Anyone in the team. Select this option if you want all users to be able to create their own themes.
Team member visibility
By default, only owners and admins can see other active team members. If you want to let all members see who is part of the team, you can change this to “anyone in the team”.