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Hide voting instructions

This is how you can hide the top bar with the voting instructions.

Maja Jakobsson avatar
Written by Maja Jakobsson
Updated over a month ago

Do you want to hide the text "Go to and use the code..." from your Presentation view? No problem, this can be done both when you edit your presentation as well as during your presentation.

To hide the vote code before you start presenting

  1. Select the slide where you want to hide the vote code in the edit view

  2. Open the Edit tab by selecting the whole slide on the slide canvas

  3. Toggle the “Show instructions bar” setting under the "Joining Instructions" heading

To hide the voting instructions during your presentation

  1. Open the Mentimote

  2. Toggle “Show access code” under the "Joining Instructions" heading

If you want to send out the voting instructions in advance instead or want your audience to connect with the presentation in another way, hiding the vote can be a useful feature to avoid redundant information.

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