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Type Answer Quiz Competition slide

Use the Type Answer slide to challenge your audience with an open-ended quiz question.

Updated over 4 months ago

The Type Answer slide type is perfect for testing participants’ ability to figure out the correct answer without having options to choose from. Participants must type in the correct answer (or an acceptable variation) before the timer runs out.

How to create a Type Answer question

  1. Create a new slide by clicking the + New slide button in the top left corner of the presentation editor.

  2. Select the Type Answer slide type.

  3. Enter your question by clicking on the header section of the slide canvas.

4. Enter the correct answer by clicking on the body of the slide in the canvas area and typing the answer in the Edit tab to the right under the Correct answer(s) section.

Once the time to answer has run out or all participants have submitted their responses, the correct answer will be revealed on the presentation screen.

Optional: You can also add alternative acceptable answers. While these won’t be revealed on the presentation screen, any matching response from a participant will still be marked as correct. For example, if you are asking the question "What is 1+1?", you can define the correct answer as "2" and also define "two" as another acceptable answer.

Managing incorrectly marked answers

Once all participants have submitted their answers or the timer runs out, all responses will appear on the presentation screen. Answers that match the correct answer or any acceptable variations you defined earlier will automatically earn points. The correct responses will be marked with green checkmarks, while incorrect ones will display a red cross icons.

If you notice a response that is correct but wasn’t predefined, you can mark it as correct during your presentation so the submitted response can receive points. Simply click the red "X" icon next to the answer to mark it as correct, changing it to a green checkmark. This can be useful for managing participant misspellings or unexpected but valid responses.

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