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Moderate your Q&A session to ensure a great experience
Moderate your Q&A session to ensure a great experience

Filter out irrelevant questions before publishing them to your audience.

Maja Jakobsson avatar
Written by Maja Jakobsson
Updated over 3 months ago

There's no need to worry about unwanted questions or an overflow of funny comments showing up on the screen; use Q&A moderation to filter out those questions and control the experience.

If you’re on a Pro, Conference, or Enterprise plan, you can select this option either in the Settings menu or directly on your Q&A slide. Use the link to approve or dismiss incoming questions before the audience gets to upvote their favorites.

How to enable moderation on your Q&A slide

To enable moderation on your Q&A slide, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Q&A slide in the editor

  2. Click on the responses section of the slide canvas

  3. Toggle the "Moderation" button

After you toggle the "Moderation" feature on and the link appears underneath, you can copy the URL or click the Open in New Tab button.

While moderating, you can choose between rejecting a question to remove it from the list or approving a question to make it visible on the presenter's screen as well as the audience's devices.

For the brave: Moderate your own session

Our moderation feature is designed to be so easy to use that you can moderate your own session while you’re on stage. To ensure a smooth experience, these are our recommendations:

  • Try to only dismiss truly irrelevant questions, you save time by letting the audience do the prioritization with upvotes

  • If you have activated Q&A for your whole presentation, you can use the time when the participants are voting on a question to moderate incoming questions during the presentation. This saves you from needing to moderate all the questions at the end

  • You can also try and adapt your presentation for self-moderation by letting the audience spend time thinking about subjects or discussing something in smaller groups, and use that time to moderate!

Let someone else moderate your session

Simply send the link to someone else to let them filter out the questions before they show up on your screen for everyone to see. Make sure to have everything prepared and tried out the function with your moderator beforehand. Also consider preparing your moderator for certain subjects you’d like to avoid so they can filter them out. Your moderator won't need access to their own license in order to moderate, anyone with access to the moderation link will be able to help you with moderating incoming questions.

Pro tip: Select which questions to show "in full screen"

In the moderator view, you can also select which question should be highlighted in the presentation and thereby choose which questions to address by selecting "Show question!.

Mark it as answered when you’re done!

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